Qorrect – outcome-based education and its significance in modern pedagogy

Qorrect and modern pedagogy

In today’s world, where technology is changing the whole scene at a rapid pace, creating new ways and formats for everything, the skills and qualifications that were once necessary for any job are no longer the same. Therefore, the former traditional education system where the focus was on “what is taught” rather than “how it’s taught” has lost its relevance. Now is the time for student-centered learning one, and that is where Outcome-based education (OBE) comes into the picture.

Outcome-based education is a pedagogical approach that focuses on students achieving outcomes and emphasizes the importance of the pre-knowledge of all the skills and abilities that students should display by the end of a particular course. It encourages self-learning, showing learners how to study on their own, in their own way, after gaining the required knowledge.

modern pedagogy

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is crucial in modern pedagogy. It encompasses four main components that define the entire process: Course Outcome (CO), Program Outcome (PO), Program Specific Outcome (PSO), and Program Educational Objective (PEO). These components guide the teaching and delivery methods towards better learning outcomes.


The following are the primary methods by which these components assist in guiding Outcome-Based Education (OBE):


1- Perspicuity

How many times has one of your students felt lost during the course, not knowing what their next step should be? In Outcome-Based Education (OBE), it is essential for both the faculty and students to understand the ultimate goal of the term or course right from the start. This helps ensure that everyone involved knows the steps that need to be taken to achieve that goal, Which prevents confusion and makes the whole process more beneficial for both the student and the teacher.

2- Evaluation

Have you ever wondered if the exams are enough to tell whether you are on the right path or not? Well, OBE takes into consideration the ongoing evaluation during the course that will build the “Outcome”. So throughout the whole course and whenever there’s an exam of any kind, the faculty should be able to keep track of the whole process through reports, to determine if each student is achieving their goal, and provide assistance if needed.

3- Continuity and Developing

You may ask how reports would help the educational system, and this is a valid question. After completing reports, Outcome-based education guides faculty in developing corresponding assessment methods. To achieve the desired outcome, it is important to determine effective ways to assist students, in that way the entire educational process can be comprehensive and effective.


Qorrect and Outcome-based Education

When talking about Outcome-based education, Qorrect is the first thing to come to mind. A smart assessment system that helps you to create a balanced exam, aims to enhance the process of educational assessment, generates multiple exams and answer models, and tracks student performance and development throughout the term.

Qorrect takes you on a journey from the first step until the end of a full cycle of perfect Outcome-based education.


Here are the three main features in Qorrect that support outcome-based education

A robust digital database.

A robust digital database.

As a teacher, you know how much time and effort are wasted on creating exams, and how many times you have tried to be fair while both choosing the questions for the exams and then grading them, it’s a hard task to accomplish, isn’t it?

With Qorrect assessment system, it is not your task anymore.

Qorrect provides a robust digital database for questions and answers. The system has an Item Bank that contains a variety of question types, such as multiple choice, true or false, and more. Once you inform the system of the intended subject, it will help you add any related questions according to their difficulty levels and the chosen criteria.

What else does Qorrect offer?

1-  Generate as many questions as you want.

2-  Define the purpose and targets of every question.

3-  Enable you to change questions within the criteria

4-  It gives you different versions of the same exam to prevent any possible cheating.

5-  After finishing the exam, the system provides a bubble sheet and model answer, which are later auto-scanned for assessment.

6-  The system generates several reports on every exam to evaluate the whole process.

Computerized exams

rules on how do online proctored exams work via Qorrect e-assessment system using a computer

Computerized exams are no longer rare. Many universities and schools are now using them to improve the learning process.

What exactly is meant by the term “computerized exams”? Does it only mean the exams you take online? Or the ones you can take on any kind of electronic device? Well, it is both and much more beyond that.

The journey with Qorrect does not stop with just delivering the exams. Thanks to its unique exam management system, you can manage the entire electronic testing process from start to finish and adapt it to any circumstances.

Once you are finished, the system enables you to deliver the exams in various forms, including online, through different platforms such as computer, tablet, and mobile, or as a paper-based exam.

When you deliver it online, it saves you time and hassle, with security tools, encrypted data, safe exam browsers, and auto-saving features… all while offering you instant results.


Facilitate measurement and Evaluation

Here comes the last step of the cycle. After providing your students with the exam, and getting back the answered bubble sheet, now is the time for the assessment part to begin.

How many times in the past have you spent trying to prevent any possible mistake during assessing the exams? It must be a lot!

Qorrect assessment system automates grading based on the criteria you have already set in the system. When the grading process is completed, you have all the results of your students in no time.

However, it is never just about the grading, isn’t it? Qorrect doesn’t stop here but goes further to complete the assessment process, providing a wide variety of psychometric and statistical analysis reports regarding everything, from analyzing the test to the students’ performances, all done on transparent and neutral standards.

Here are some of the reports Qorrect provides:

Facilitate measurement and Evaluation

1-  Your exam quality according to all the data in the system.

2-  Difficulty levels of questions and the way each one was presented and perceived.

3-  Student performance and the number of exams they succeeded or failed to pass.

4-  Comparison of the participant’s performance against other participants.

5-  Data analysis of all the percentages regarding every part of the process.

6-  Real-time summary reports for all scheduled tests and score certificates.

7-  How many times the questions were previously used and in which exams.

8-  The exam’s outcome and its contribution to the main purpose.


With the help of all the reports, you get a fair and inclusive educational assessment process, which in return improves the entire educational process and meets the desired outcomes.

Qorrect is improving Outcome-based education with all of the program’s features, and revolutionizing the teaching, learning, and assessment processes. That’s why a large number of universities and schools are using Qorrect assessment system as their life-long companion.


You too can join the journey! Check out our website for more information, and request a demo to explore all of our features.





1- https://www.mastersofterp.com/blog/importance-of-outcome-based-education-in-modern-education.aspx#:~:text=Outcome%2Dbased%20education%20is%20a,establish%20competency%2Dbased%20learning%20standards.

2- https://camudigitalcampus.com/camu-for-obe/the-importance-of-outcome-based-education-in-a-modern-educational-set-up

About Nahla Ahmed

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