How to Make an Online Test for Students Stand Out in 2022!

Perfecting how to make an online test for students is now much easier than you think… Making it stand out? Hmm.. If that sounds too much, we’re here to help!

Teachers now want to get their hands on the best online test maker out there. They need to have better, faster, & more quality online tests for their students.

Follow our quick and easy steps for all teachers and professors and you’ll have the best-kept secrets an online test maker can ever give you with your own test making strategy and plan set in place within 10 minutes!

After making your online test, we’ll share all the ways we’ve summed up on how do online tests prevent cheating? Ready? Here we go!

A woman checking a list on how to make an online test for students stand out in 2022


How to Make an Online Test for Students the Easy Way

A pen and a paper.. Things no one uses or needs now. But many of our students still find themselves forced to use them when sitting for an exam.


Here’s How to Create Online Tests from Scratch (in 5 steps only)


1. Find your creative side

From your questions bank, pick items that are creative, unique, out of the box, and just purely inspiring to you and them.

Your free online test maker can easily help you create higher- and lower-order thinking questions, whether they’re MCQs, essay questions, or complete.

However, it’s very important that your test items are always connected to your ILOs.

John B Biggs The University of Hong Kong | HKU · Department of Psychology

John B. Biggs – Australian educational psychologist

According to John B. Biggs, an Australian educational psychologist and novelist who developed the SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) taxonomy, which offers a structured outline for the learners to use to build their learning and thinking, for assessing the quality of learning outcomes, and the model of constructive alignment for designing teaching and assessment


…since the ILOs are statements of what the student is intended to learn, it makes most sense to report the results of the assessments in terms of the ILOs for each course rather than for the assessment tasks themselves.


Learn What is the difference between online exam and offline exam?


 2. Let them have some fun! (audiovisual bank items)

The history of AV messages goes back to 10,000–15,000 BC, when prehistoric humans painted images discovered on the walls of caves in modern-day France, or 3,500 BC, when the first roots of music were developed in Mesopotamia

According to Audiovisual Learning by Oleg Podolskiy, Published on Springer Link website, Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning 2012 Edition.

Fast forward thousands of years later, researchers found that the benefits of motion pictures & audio in learning are vast, e.g., grab attention, build up thinking & motivation, boost students’ understanding, & make things more real to them and expand motivation!

Because of this, high-quality audio visual learning now has a strong basis in the learning field. Teachers started using televisions, PCs, interactive whiteboards, and mobile phones in their classrooms, integrating technology into education.

It goes without saying this had to reach exams as well, formative or summative assessments. Besides providing teachers and exam creators with an unlimited number of items through its questions bank, Qorrect allows all types of authoring options to help precisely assess the learning process of your students, e.g., MCQs, MRQs, true or false, matching, extended matching, viva cards, OSCI Stations, short answers, and essay questions as well as image and video questions.


 3. Set your blueprint rules and shuffle questions & answers in multiple test forms.

Test Blueprinting II: Creating a Test Blueprint talked to us in length about exam blueprint and its benefits:

Creating a test blueprint will help you plan which questions to include in your exam and ensure that it adequately assesses the learning objectives of the course. A test blueprint defines the knowledge and skills you want to assess and will enable you to build purpose-driven, successful assessments. A blueprint may also help you identify areas where your question pool may be lacking.


Some of exam blueprint benefits
  • You can appropriately assess the instructional objectives of the course 
  • You get to reflect key course goals and objectives, the material to be learned o Include the appropriate item formats for the skills being assessed 
  • You can generate a wide range of test forms to ensure equity among your students
  • You’re able to train examinees on final exams and lead your own assessment journey

4. Opt for the online test delivery type best for you 

Whether you are fed up with jumping from one exam application to another, or you’re just plain bored with the traditional way exam delivery works, your options are wide open with online tests: take home or in-school or closed or open-book exams.

In an era where a wealth of information is available at our fingertips (literally and metaphorically), to have examinations which treat knowledge and its acquisition as a memory test is an anachronism.

In “The Place of the Closed Book, Invigilated Final Examination in a Knowledge Economy,” published on Research Gate the researcher Jeremy B. Williams argues that closed book, proctored exams are a thing of the past:

In an era where a wealth of information is available at our fingertips (literally and metaphorically), to have examinations which treat knowledge and its acquisition as a memory test is an anachronism… Entwistle and Entwistle (1991), for example, were in no doubt that examinations do not assess deep conceptual understanding and process skills. Indeed, as many a student will no doubt testify when quizzed about their examination strategy, it is often a case of ‘cramming’ the night before and ‘data dumping’ on the day, with little knowledge retention thereafter.

He defends his point by saying that those who favor proctored exams (closed books) believe that they do not cheat are in the wrong since “the goal of policing the small minority of cheats is implicitly elevated above the goal of producing superior learning outcomes for the vast majority of students.”

Many educational institutions around the world remain against this point of view. However, we’ve recently seen several universities inclined to the open book exams policy, especially after COVID-19 quarantine, like Auckland University, e.g.


5. Embrace your proctoring alternatives

Who wouldn’t go for the best of both worlds if available? Real human proctoring integrated with much needed AI technology and your exam is good to go.


15 Top Test Creators for Teachers and Educators

Staff You Need to Know about Now!

You may have noticed that this article is published on Qorrect blog. But we do get that each of the following options is different and unique on its own.

15 top test creators for teachers including Qorrect

And we’re also confident enough that our easy test maker (Qorrect assessment system) is broad and comprehensive enough to provide more options and better quality than any (boasting much? Maybe, but it’s the truth).

Here are 15 of the top test creators for teachers and educators; we’ve talked about some of them in detail in the blog post best exam and assessment platforms:                             

  1. Skolera
  2. Quizizz
  3. Quizlet
  4. Socrative (free online test maker)
  5. Kahoot!
  6. TypeForm
  7. Survey Anyplace
  8. iSpring Suite (free online test maker for teachers)
  9. Google Forms
  10. Microsoft Forms
  11. TCExam
  12. Kaldin
  13. TAO
  14. Edu Expressions
  15. Qorrect for Online Assessments


How Do Online Tests Prevent Cheating?

Preventing cheating exams has never been more on demand. With a newly changed system of testing due to COVID-19, colleges all over the world are racing to get the latest tech to detect cheating and secure online exams.


To ensure exam management and detect cheating, trained professionals are employed to supervise the computer-based assessment process through proctoring students by camera and tracking all actions taken on the computers.

Top ways online tests prevent cheating

  1.     AI Proctoring. The second a test taker clicks on anything displayed on the screen, this action is automatically immediately saved, analysed, and added to the advanced reports offered by Qorrect (soon to be in Qorrect).
  2.     Remote Proctoring. Proctored exams invigilator gets to remotely see and maintain control of the video feed and “interfere in real-time if necessary in a candidate’s exam, giving the proctors an additional level of security (feature released very soon by Qorrect e-assessment system).
  1.     Whitelisting. Once the exam online starts, a student will not be able to perform any other action or open any window beside the test. This ensures the integrity and security of the proctored exam.
  2.     Questions Management. Adding indirect questions will definitely be a better option for some. These could be visual or audio-essay questions. You can especially get creative with audio questions, increasing distraction means for each and every question which allows reduce academic dishonesty and cheating.


If you haven’t reserved a FREE Demo and tried Qorrect online test maker yet, you’re missing out on a lot! Register now for free.




About Yasmine Nasr

Yasmine Nasr has been part of the content world since 2017. She has worked as a translator, content writer, editor, copyeditor, and English language instructor. She holds a BA degree in English, Translation, and Literature, plus a degree in literary and media translation from the American University in Cairo. Today Yasmine is a content writer interested in education technology, especially exams autograding, computer-based exams, evaluation & assessment systems, and LMS, in relation to academic accreditation with the aim to improve exams quality and student learning and experience.

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