Ain Shams University Continues Its Steps Towards Developing Education in Cooperation with Qorrect

Ain Shams University, keen to complete the efforts it started over the past several years in accordance with its strategic vision towards the development of education, cooperates with Qorrect for e-assessments to achieve the goal it had always sought. A goal it has begun to achieve at the Faculty of Medicine and is now to extend to the rest of the university’s faculties, towards digital transformation in the field of education, measurement, and evaluation.

vice president - ain shams university with qorrect team for e-assessments

We, in Qorrect, are celebrating Ain Shams University adopting our e-assessments software to be in all of its faculties, with a total of 18 facilities. And we will make sure to provide the necessary and continuous support and training to our partners in edtech, all faculty members, so that they can use the software to reach the best possible level worthy of Ain Shams University.

The faculty of Nursing is the first to conduct the first e-test at the university using Qorrect assessment system, to create e-exams, do e-grading, and generate results and analytics reports.

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ain shams university adopts qorrect e-assessment system for all faculties

We want to thank everyone at the University of Ain Shams who put their trust in Qorrect e-assessment system, a confidence gained as a result of the cooperation that has started four years before between us and the Faculty of Medicine through the experience of conducting e-exams at the faculty and running a questions bank, a cooperation that is still continued until this moment.

Qorrect congratulates Ain Shams University for this remarkable digital transformation step towards e-exams and e-marking through its adoption of the software. We’d also like to thank each of:

  • Prof. Mahmoud Shawki El-Metini, President of Ain Shams University
  • Prof Abdel Fattah Muhammad Fathy Saud, Professor of Orthopedic and Spine Surgery, Vice President of the University, and Chair of the World Association of Spine Surgeryain shams university adopts qorrect e-assessment system for all faculties
  • Prof. Zainab Abdel Hafeez, Professor of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Director of the Central Unit for Measurement and Evaluation
  • Prof. Reham Attia Nasr, Professor of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, and Deputy Director of the Central Unit for Measurement and Evaluation
  • Prof. Mona Abdel-Aal, Professor of Public Health, Executive Director of Education Development Department, Ain Shams University
  • Prof. Safa Afifi, Professor and Head of the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, and Electronic Exam Unit Manager

ain shams university adopts qorrect e-assessment system for all faculties - ain shams computer lab - students taking exams


qorrect team for e-assessments in ain shams university

This is only a result of the great efforts made by them to develop the examination system at Ain Shams University and to ensure that the university has an advanced and comprehensive electronic system that works on setting exams in a different way, monitors students’ performance in exams, grades exams, and issues reports and results accurately.

We are always proud of our presence as service providers and partners to the elite academic institutions, one of which is Ain Shams University.

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About Yasmine Nasr

Yasmine Nasr has been part of the content world since 2017. She has worked as a translator, content writer, editor, copyeditor, and English language instructor. She holds a BA degree in English, Translation, and Literature, plus a degree in literary and media translation from the American University in Cairo. Today Yasmine is a content writer interested in education technology, especially exams autograding, computer-based exams, evaluation & assessment systems, and LMS, in relation to academic accreditation with the aim to improve exams quality and student learning and experience.

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