EaaS: Qorrect Introduces New E-Assessments Service!

Motivated by the message to ensure digital transformation reaches every single institution, whether it’s higher ed, K-12, or corporate, Qorrect for e-assessments introduces to you its brand new Exam as a Service (EaaS), expanding its services to include a wider base of partners in the MENA region and worldwide.

EaaS: Qorrect Introduces New E-Assessments Service!

The EaaS service Qorrect offers means that all kinds of institutions, everywhere, small or large, can now have access to the comprehensive e-exams platform and take advantage of everything Qorrect has to offer, even if there is no hardware and without any need for a hosting budget.

The service is customized for institutions who want to subscribe to manage a number of exams without having to purchase the software or cloud costs. It’s a pay per usage service with a competitive price.

Qorrect e-exams software is powered to deliver unique, balanced exams to students, online, offline, or paper-based, on computers, tablets, mobiles, etc.

The unique software lets you manage and have full control over the whole examination cycle.

The software is specifically designed following assessment experts and theorists’ view. Exams, therefore, start from item authoring, psychometric analysis of your items, and encryption and advanced cheating prevention tools.

And they end with automated, accurate results and statistical and psychometric reports are generated away from any human manipulation.

This is all available along with specialized trainers, a team of experts in the field, and top technical support service.


Interested? All you have to do is contact us and choose EaaS, select the right number of exams for your needs, and use them according to your time and requirements.

For more details about the service, reserve a FREE Demo now.

Get FREE Trial

About Yasmine Nasr

Yasmine Nasr has been part of the content world since 2017. She has worked as a translator, content writer, editor, copyeditor, and English language instructor. She holds a BA degree in English, Translation, and Literature, plus a degree in literary and media translation from the American University in Cairo. Today Yasmine is a content writer interested in education technology, especially exams autograding, computer-based exams, evaluation & assessment systems, and LMS, in relation to academic accreditation with the aim to improve exams quality and student learning and experience.

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