Qorrect’s New Website Is Now Live

Qorrect team has some great news to share with you! We’re happy to announce that our new website is now officially live.

Qorrect now has a new look. It’s very clear, simple, you’ll love it just like us. In case you’re wondering, this is the new home for the e-assessments community! You’ll find everything you need there and more! We’re writing this to boast a bit about our success, so bear with us.

Qorrect’s New Website for eassessments

After months of dedication, rushing to organize things and introduce to you a wonderful, easy experience navigating the website, Qorrectassess.com is finally launched.

Now you can access all the information you need about Qorrect’s news, updates on digital transformation in examination, e-proctoring and e-grading’s latest strategies, and more by one click of a button! We’d love for you to check it out right now and tell us what you think (please visit Qorrect website).

As an e-assessment leader for higher ed and K-12 institutions as well as training corporations and units, Qorrect’s team has redesigned the website and reformed its content, with a streamlined main menu that will take you on a tour to see our best features, offerings, and how exactly an e-assessment system should work!

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Some highlights of our story launching Qorrect website

·       We’ll start with our most favourite! We’ve had a lot of fun having one-on-one meetings with our team members in order to share a glimpse of their lives at Qorrect to you and introduce them in our About Qorrect  and Careers pages

Qorrect's team members in the About Us page

Qorrect’s About Us Page

Some of Qorrect's team in the About Us

Qorrect’s Careers Page

·       We’re now more committed than ever to leading you throughout the test life cycle journey

·       We made sure the website is easy to navigate through all devices, mobile phones, tablets, and laptops

·       We’ve made a special gift for you to visit every significant detail in the test life cycle, from connecting your course management to tests until exporting immediate test results and analytics, in the How It Works page

a part of Qorrect's how it works page

Qorrect’s How It Works Page

a part of Qorrect's how it works page

Qorrect’s How It Works Page

·       We’ve added more details to our offerings (perpetual and usage licenses and our unique “exam as a service”) and the hosting options for our visitors

a part of Qorrect's offerings page

Qorrect’s Offerings Page


·       We’ve added some of our most recent updates to our Newsroom. Stay tuned for more very soon!

a part of Qorrect's Newsroom page

Qorrect’s News Page


·       We’ve revisited all the FAQs we’ve received from you and made sure to answer all of them in our FAQs page

·       Because integrity is one of the values we promise and strive for, we’ve included in our ‘Why Qorrect’ page the number of exams we’ve delivered, 100M+, and the users we serve, 12K, and listed some of our most trusted partners in e-assessments, e.g., the National Center for Assessment in Saudi Arabia, Cairo University, and Ain Shams University, plus their testimonials

·       It’s very easy to navigate between the different sections within the one page

Navigating Qorrect's how it works page easily

Easy navigation of Qorrect’s How It Works Page


·   The website’s footer has all the info you need on the website’s pages, our blog, our data, our slogan ‘Your Leading Partner of Digital Assessment Solutions’, and all our social media pages. And you can subscribe to Qorrect’s newsletter to receive all our special offers


If you liked the e-assessments world’s new home, Qorrect website, please let us know! We’d love to connect with you and let you see Qorrect computerized assessments system in action. Reserve a FREE Demo now for your institution.

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About Yasmine Nasr

Yasmine Nasr has been part of the content world since 2017. She has worked as a translator, content writer, editor, copyeditor, and English language instructor. She holds a BA degree in English, Translation, and Literature, plus a degree in literary and media translation from the American University in Cairo. Today Yasmine is a content writer interested in education technology, especially exams autograding, computer-based exams, evaluation & assessment systems, and LMS, in relation to academic accreditation with the aim to improve exams quality and student learning and experience.

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