Ain Shams University Adopts Qorrect Software

Ain Shams University Adopts Qorrect Software

At Qorrect, we are pleased to announce that Ain Shams University, with all its faculties, adopted Qorrect software for e-assessments, to become the first university that initiates full digital transformation in its examinations. Qorrect was chosen after its success in managing the first unified e-test in 21 faculties ever administered …

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how to make an online exam for students

How to Make an Online Exam for Students in Only Minutes

Figuring out how to make an online exam for students has never been more challenging. And at a time when it’s essential to digitalize the educational process—including exams—by using e-assessment system, creating a winning online exam, especially, is everyone’ favourite topic now.   But let me ask you a question …

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characteristics of summative assessment

Characteristics of Summative Assessment and Its Functions: What are they?

Characteristics of summative assessment, its functions, and problems… What are they? Is homework a summative assessment? Is a checklist a summative assessment? Summative assessments are used by educational organizations at the end of set learning segments. Their purpose is to measure the sum of what students have learned related to …

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Relationship among Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation

Relationship among Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation.. What Is It?

The relationship among measurement, assessment, and evaluation.. What is it? Although teaching, learning, and assessment have been there since forever, people still have dozens of misconceptions regarding them. There are just too many terms with the same meaning, or that’s what some might think! Assessment, evaluation, measurement, and testing are …

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difference between online exam and offline exam

What’s the Difference between Online Exam and Offline Exam?

What is the key difference between online exam and offline exam? Are online exams better than offline exams? Which one is faster in grading? And, it can be more confusing now to talk about paper-based exams in the same context. So “are offline exams and paper-based exams the same?” If …

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