How Qorrect Works ?
Explore the right way to streamline your assessment process.Save time, stay focused, and work smarter with Qorrect
One of our top priorities is to satisfy the needs of all our distinguished partners. We understand that the higher education and K-12 sectors as well as the business industry we serve have different requirements, depending on finance or managing-related factors
We’ve got the best service scheme for your institution. Opt into Qorrect assessment software’s lifetime license, enjoy free access to quality support as needed, and above all be in the know about the newest upgrades for a whole year and get them for free right away
We offer you a unique, flexible, and handy offering that can help in every way possible. Benefit from our usage license for 1, 2, or 3 years, instantly let your institution have free access to the latest software releases, and deliver top-quality assessments
Not ready yet? If you have no hardware or hosting budget, we still have the right solution for you (Qorrect’s Exam as a Service, EaaS). You can still have access to our assessment platform to create and administer the exam to your students or trainees. Or you can choose to let Qorrect team manage the whole process for you
Both of our hosting options can fulfill your needs for the secure delivery of exams
Focusing on empowering our partners, we support on-cloud services of their choice and also give the option of choosing from a variety of the best cloud vendors to guarantee top-quality services and full data protection
We've redefined the way assessment works. With a team of demonstrated professionalism, skills, and expertise, we’re able to host the solution in your education institution’s data center and completely manage it for you
Contact us to speak to an Assessment Business Consultant and learn more about Qorrect smart assessment platform and its different licenses and hosting options.